Sunday, March 17, 2013


It really is!

Every day my desire to become a long distance thru hiker grows stronger.  Lastnight another peg was put in my wall to boost me up higher.  We went to my in-laws to watch soccer.  Leonard's dad is a real outdoors-man.  He's probably been climbing mountains since he came out of the womb.  He was involved in Olympic Mountain Rescue for years (since before I was born) and he teaches Mountaineering at the local community collage.  He really does know it all.  So I asked Leonard to help me get some dialog going with about hiking the AT.  Well... this is how it went:

Leonard: Hey dad, Carolyn has this crazy idea about hiking the AT and I want you to talk her out of it.

Yep, that's how it went down.  Because my FIL (a very tall, fit athletic man) looks at me (a short fat girl) and thinks "yeah right".  After the laughter subsided it finally occured to him to ask why the AT when the PCT is in our back yard.  I proceeded to explain that the AT is easier than the PCT, shorter than the PCT and is always within a few miles of a town in case I freak out or need help.  His reply was "It's CROWDED!"  Yes, and another reason to make it my first trail- there will always be some one around to help me if I need it.  I can see it churning in his head- "she's actually put some thought into this ridiculous idea".  And he says "Take a backpacking class at the college".  Well, that would be great IF I HAD TIME AND MONEY!  You see, that was Leonard's suggestion.  Yes, I said Leonard, the man I'm married to who already knows we don't have the money and I don't have the time- work isn't going to let me have time off for any college courses, especially not backpacking!  SO I explain this to my FIL and then I tell him the same thing I told Leonard- "You know everything that they would teach me in the class, maybe you could teach me.  I could start coming over for a few hours on my days off and you could teach me everything I need to know!"

Dad: (Deer in headlights look)

Conversation is OVER.  LOL

We watched the game, it was fun and then Leonard was summonsed to work on their virus riddled computer.  I thought about how the hiking conversation (that lasted 4 seconds) transpired and resigned to figuring this out myself, obvioiusly FIL isn't taking me seriously.  After 3 hours I went to check on them and FIL hands me a book- Day Hike: Olympic Peninsula.   That's us, the Olympic Peninsula (well, almost us).  I got all giddy because with the book came an invitation- "Find one you want to do and I'll take you on it".  Wha wha WHAT?  Oh yeah, I'm stoked.  Before we left I gave him a hug, thanked him a million more times and told him that I WILL take him up on it.

After we got home the reality sunk in.  I've got to get in shape for this- this man is an icon and I can't be huffing and puffing and begging him to wait on me the whole time.  I've got to be able to keep up.  And what will we talk about?  And I don't have any gear, what does one bring on a 5 hour hike?  OMG I've never hiked for 5 hours.  CAN I hike for 5 hours?  I start spilling all of this to Leonard who emphasizes that his dad is old and not in great shape any more.  "Um yeah, that's the problem, he's 60 something, had cancer and multiple heart attacks and STILL in better shape than me.  THAT is why I'm freaking out"  LOL.  I told Leonard that I don't think his dad takes me seriously.  So Leonard gives me a few tips- read the book ASAP, get back with him ASAP and talk to him.  He said to tell him which books I've read and that I know I need to lose weight and get in shape before I hike the AT but ask what I can be doing right now to prepare.  It was the first time I felt like Leonard actually even remotely supported my cause.

Well, when it was time to go to bed I couldn't sleep so I cracked open the book.  It's a guidebook outlining some of the best day hikes in the area.  There are 2 that lead up Green Mountain which is only a few minutes from where we live.  One is 4.8 miles round trip- 3 hours and the other is 9.0 miles round trip- 5 hours, both gain 1200 feet in elevation.  Sounds like a starting point.  The forecast for Thursday is good and it's my first of 5 days off- I'm doing it!  Well, now I definitely couldn't sleep so I decided to actually start at the beginning of the book and read everything, starting with the acknowledgements.  Guess who's mentioned there- you got it, Brad Albro, my father in law!  All I could do was smile.  I'm a lucky girl.

1 comment:

  1. Holy CRAP on a cracker!!! You HAVE, HAVE, HAVE to go for this C. You have this wealth of info at your finger tips in the form of your FIL... please, please, please do this (oh and please pass on any info to me!) - oh sweetie I am so stoked!
